Idea & Vision

In mid-2019, we launched the online magazine This Is Vegan. Our mission is to share information about the positive effects of vegan nutrition and practices. We invite everyone to join is on the path towards a more sustainable, environmentally friendly lifestyle. Our vision is This is Vegan becoming your go to source for vegan nutrition, recipes, ideas, and practices. We are ready to continue building you a network of support, ideas, and changes with new energy and many exciting projects.

The name says it all – all the information you can find here is about veganism, the environment, animals, lifestyle, and the wide variety of vegan recipes. Let yourself be surprised and inspired.

We want to show you that a vegan diet is not uncomplicated and easily possible without much effort.

Our principles:

1. We do not proselytize, rather lead by example

2. We are happy about every step that is taken to reduce animal suffering, it can be as simple as reducing your weekly meat consumption by a day or two

3. We are open to all opinions shared with good intentions

4. We will not accept discriminatory comments as we aim to keep this a welcoming, safe community for all

5. We want to make a difference together – and for that we need you

Do you like to write creatively about any and all things vegan?

We are open to ALL topics, recipes and information – send us your application to

This is Vegan is for everyone. As we continue to research, design, share, develop and follow the world forward in its vegan progress, we aim to make TiV your number one source for all things vegan. We have a lot planned. so stick around!

Follow our pages on social media to stay up-to-date and get ready for many exciting promotions!

This is Vegan is here for you!

Our Team


Hi, I’m Yannick, I’m from the Black Forest in Germany and founded this magazine in 2019. I have been vegetarian since I was 6 years old and have been vegan for several years. It has always been important to me to inspire people by sharing how extensive and easy a vegan diet can be without proselytizing. That’s why I founded this magazine!

Mann sitzt in einer Landschaft aus Steinen mit einem Hund neben sich


When Yannick told me about the launch of This is Vegan Magazine, I knew I absolutely had to be there!

When I’m not working on the magazine, I travel the world with my girlfriend and our dog.


Hi, I’m Anna!

Optimist, passionate cook and runner.

I want to inspire people to cook more with whole foods and show them that healthy food can taste really good.

Healthy food should be simple and nutritious. I am a professional food, photo and videographer and am happy to share my delicious recipes with you on This is Vegan.

Frau mit braunen Haaren und weißer Bluse sitzt vor einer Wand und lacht in die Kamera


Hi, I am Julia!

Since 2016 I eat vegan and am interested in topics around sustainability, animal welfare and environmental protection. In 2016, I moved from my hometown in the Sauerland to beautiful Cologne. Here I studied journalism at a media university. I was able to realize my passion for media, writing, speaking and filming and learn a lot of new things. Meanwhile, I got married and got pregnant. In 2020, I successfully completed my bachelor’s degree and gave birth to my first son. Since I interned at a vegan online magazine in 2019, I’ve been working and freelancing as a nutrition and health editor. In 2021, during my second pregnancy, I completed training as a vegan nutritionist specializing in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Since I became a mom, I have been very interested in topics related to family and parenting. I’ve made it my life’s work to teach and educate people about the vegan lifestyle and need-based companionship.

I am so excited to be a part of This Is Vegan and to be able to do what I love to do!


Hi, I’m Sabrina!

After I recently completed my studies “Something with Media” in beautiful Offenburg, Germany, I now work as a freelancer in the media industry.

When I discovered the vegan lifestyle 8 years ago, I tried to combine it with my learned skills and hobbies: This resulted in a YouTube channel with recipes and entertainingly designed information about veganism and sustainability, and a food blog on Instagram.

Today, food photography continues to be one of my biggest hobbies and at the same time an inspiration for those who want to approach the topic of vegan nutrition – and I am very much looking forward to inspiring you with my recipes for healthy, tasty dishes! 🙂


My name is Miriam,
I live in Rust and work at Europa Park. Here I am in charge of occupational health management.

Healthy, balanced and sustainable nutrition is an important cornerstone of our OHM and employee catering. In cooperation with Yannick, we have already been able to offer high-quality and tasty vegan products in our canteens. The employees are now increasingly accessing the vegan menus.
Of course, we are pleased about this, because healthy employees are a company’s most important resource.

But we are also increasingly offering vegan options for visitors to the park, and the topic of sustainability is very important to us. We are proud to report no more plastic at the stalls in the park.
Our future plans include many more vegan options.
Amusement park and veganism – how is that supposed to work?
We are optimistic!

Back to me:
Personally, I have been living “as vegan as possible” for many years, be it in nutrition, care products, or clothing. I feel much better than I did before transition to a more vegan lifestyle – I’m healthier and happier!

I studied occupational health management and earned an additional qualification as a nutritionist. Currently I am continuing my education as a naturopathy consultant.
My guiding principle at work as well as in my private life are the 5 pillars of health (naturopathy).

It is a matter close to my heart to pass on the topics of sustainability and nutrition to my and many other children. I am able to do this as an ambassador of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk.
I’m so happy to be here with TiV and to meet you!

PS: Due to my many years of experience as a model, I am also very interested in the beauty and make-up area!


Hey – I’m Noëmi and a real foodie!

I love to cook and express my creativity! That’s why I quickly let myself be inspired by new vegan recipes, which I present, film and photograph in an appealing way. Since December 2021, I have been using on Instagram sharing my favorite recipe creations.
I have been vegan since 2017 and believe that good food and an example are very effective in bringing other people closer to the vegan lifestyle. Over the years, I’ve learned so much and shown many people around me that vegan nutrition isn’t as boring and monotonous as they might have thought.
In addition, I like to write a lot and am constantly looking for new challenges to let off steam creatively.

I am very happy that as part of This is Vegan I have an even greater opportunity to inspire more people to a cruelty-free lifestyle.


I was looking for a more ecological, moral and healthy lifestyle on my trip around the world and found it in veganism.

As a vegan novice, I am interested in everything worth knowing about “veganism”. Through my own interest and research, I then came to writing. Through my articles I want to inspire you towards veganism and make it easier for you to implement this attitude to life in all areas.


Hey, I’m Mary!
I have been vegetarian since 2013 and have been vegan for about three years – so I have dealt more and more with the topic step by step and have already been able to inspire a few people in my area towards a vegetarian / vegan diet. I learned that vegan nutrition definitely does not mean renunciation, but on the contrary: I have learned to love so many new foods for me. So I am looking forward to inspiring more people for the vegan lifestyle!


Hey, I’m Stephi! As a newcomer to veganism and due to my intolerances, I have come to deal even more intensively with cooking, regional and seasonal cuisine. Working with TiV gives us thousands of opportunities to exchange ideas and enrich each other – I’m looking forward to it!

Frau steht hinter einer Kücheninsel. Vor ihr viel verschiedenes Gemüse. Sie schneidet gerade eine rote Spitzpaprika auf einem Holzbrett


Hey, I’m Tanja, live near Stuttgart and work as a content manager. I love to photograph, travel and blog, try new vegan recipes, advocate for animal rights and show people how easy and rewarding the vegan lifestyle is. On my Blogazine, which I launched in 2013, you can find purely plant-based recipes as well as many tips about being vegan and becoming vegan. In addition, people and other animals have their say and have an exciting story to tell. 

We have a large network of freelance journalists, photographers and other freelancers. Thanks to all of you.

You are invited to join us too!

Then apply now as an editor. We are always looking for creative texts and look forward to receiving your application. We are also still looking for people who share our vision in the areas of web design, backend, graphics, social media/content creation and food photography/videography.