What is beta-alanine? All about effect & dosage
Beta-alanine is encountered above all by people who are active in sports component of numerous supplements. But what is that exactly? In this article you will learn whether the supplement…
Hemp protein – ingredients, effect & use
With the hemp plant many still associate primarily mind-expanding intoxicants. But the versatile plant can do much more: Hemp seed, hemp oil, hemp protein and many other delicious products have…
Rice protein – facts about the underestimated vegan protein source
Protein powders are widely used, especially among people who are active in sports. Often used on Soy protein or classic Whey Protein. Another and so far less known alternative is rice…
Niko Rittenau about myths around vegan nutrition
Niko Rittenau is one of the best-known nutritionists and authors in the German-speaking world when it comes to plant-based nutrition. He has made a name for himself with his clear…
Empathy in the belly – Oli P. on vegan nutrition, animal welfare and sustainability
Already in the 90s, hardly anyone got past a name: Oli P. was the heartthrob of the dailiesoap “Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten” (Good Times, Bad Times) and entered the charts…
Vegan nutrition against the Corona virus – Dr. med. Petra Bracht in the interview
Petra Bracht, MD, has specialized for over 30 years in the areas of nutrition and Pain. The doctor, best-selling author and YouTuber explains to us in an interview what we…
Veganuary! CEO Ria Rehberg about new records at vegan month 2023
More and more people are opting for a vegan lifestyle, whether for ethical, environmental or health reasons. In doing so, it can be difficult for some to take the first…
Good news from Spain – “dwarf bullfighting” will be banned
#vegangoodnews The Spanish Parliament has banned the traditional “dwarf bullfighting”! In the future, Spanish arenas will no longer be allowed to hold bullfights with people of small stature. The tradition…
Plant-based milk alternatives on course for success
Vegan milk alternatives become more and more popular The growing trend towards veganism is rapidly increasing the market for plant-based milk alternatives! It is not only meat substitutes that are…
Vegan sports nutrition – How a good protein supply succeeds
An athletically active lifestyle or even intensive weight training in combination with a vegan diet – the myth of insufficient protein supply quickly comes to mind. Not only do prominent…