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Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir wants to improve the animal protection law. In the future, there should be less torture breeding of domestic & animals. Although torture breeds are not to be completely banned, they may not be advertised or exhibited in the future!

Health risks

Especially domestic breeds are affected by torture breeding. Through selective practices, animals are bred for specific traits. Such as a flat snout, blue eyes or bare skin instead of fur. Such features are often associated with sserious health problems . For example, a pug very often has difficulty breathing due to its shortened snout. Breeds such as the sphinx cat, English bulldog or Chihuaha are categorized as torture breeds. And the German shepherd is also classified as a torture breed due to severe hip problems.

Schafherde die nebeneinander auf einer Weise stehen

Even in farm animals, there are torture breeds in which certain characteristics or traits are unnaturally reinforced. For example, farm animals are bred for excessive meat and milk production, which has fatal consequences for the health of the animals! In the poultry and meat industry, certain chicken breeds or fattening animals are bred for excessive meat production. This can lead to rapid growth and extreme weight, which can cause problems with the skeleton, cardiovascular system and joints. Cows are frequently affected by udder inflammation, fertility problems and metabolic disorders. Sheep are also affected. In some sheep farms, excessive amounts of wool are sought. This can lead to heat stress, parasite infestation and mobility problems.

Stricter regulations

The demand of animal breeds which are classified as torture breeds should decrease! This is to succeed above all by a prohibition of the advertisement and exhibition of such animal races. However, a ban on keeping or breeding is not planned. In agriculture, husbandry conditions are also to be better regulated. Trimming of extremities, such as the curly tails of pigs, is to be performed only under anesthesia effective immediately.

Animal welfare in Germany

Although torture breeding will continue to exist in the future, the planned reform is an important step for animal welfare in Germany. Just recently, the first Animal Welfare Officer was appointed for the federal government. Such decisions show that the welfare and protection of animals, whether domestic or farm animals, is becoming more and more in the focus of the public!

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