Kühe auf einer Weide. Eine Kuh schaut nach vorne und die andere leckt sie unter ihrem Ohr ab
Image number: 311 Property Release: Not Available Date photographed: November 2006 A cow giving affection to another Switzerland
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Good news from northern Germany

Vion Food Group is closing a beef slaughterhouse in northern Germany at the end of July. The closure is due to falling demand for meat!

Kühe auf einer Weide vor einigen Bäumen. Morgenstimmung mit orangener Sonne und Nebel über der Wiese

Low demand and much criticism

The Bad Bramstedt slaughterhouse in northern Germany is scheduled to close on July 31, 2023. About 3200 cattle are killed weekly at the slaughterhouse. According to the company, the slaughterhouse will be closed due to declining cattle numbers in northern Germany and overcapacity in the slaughter market. In recent years, slaughter has been on the decline, according to Vion Food Group. The slaughterhouse has repeatedly come under criticism in the past. In particular, on suspicion of cruelty to animals. For example, the farm was temporarily closed after reports that cattle were killed without stunning because of a faulty bolt gun. The decision to temporarily close the farm was made by Robert Habeck, then Minister of the Environment and Agriculture of Schleswig-Holstein.

Slaughter outsourcing

Around 30 percent of cattle slaughtered in Schleswig-Holstein have so far taken place at the farm in Bad Bramstedt. Cattle that were previously brought to Bad Bramstedt will now be taken to other slaughterhouses . Slaughtering must therefore be outsourced to other states. This means longer transport distances for the animals.

Positive development

Overall, the closure of the Bad Bramstedt slaughterhouse will have far-reaching effects. While the company is responding to declining demand and overcapacity, concerns about animal cruelty remain. Moving slaughter to slaughterhouses in other states will mean longer transport distances for the animals, which will pose further challenges in terms of animal welfare. Nevertheless, the closure of the cattle farm is another and important step towards a possible change in the meat industry! Above all, the decision reflects the market and social development: less meat, more plant-based!

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