Vegan Game Changer: The Chocolate Revolution
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Chocolate – the very word is music to my ears. It sounds like sweet, delicate creamy melting on the tongue and brings a soulful smile to my face. Which is guarded like a treasure and shared only with the best friend. So much for my childhood memories.
When I was looking for a dairy-free chocolate that came close to that a good ten years ago, I was bitterly disappointed: dark, yes. But a Milk chocolate without milk? The few that were available – sometimes expensively imported from Australia – tasted… well, different. To be honest: not so good. Since I rather nibbled listlessly on my high-proof plain, a piece is then also enough, thank you.
Read to the end is worthwhile by the way – we raffle 3 XXL chocolate packages of iChoc!
But then, in 2015, iChoc came along, saw and won: YES, THAT’S EXACTLY how chocolate had to taste! And the best thing: It was not “only” in whole milk without milk, but also in nut, with orange, cookie, nougat – and even as white! By the way, in organic quality, affordable, fairly traded and with chic, environmentally friendly packaging. There even the most nagging killjoys (including myself) had nothing to complain about for once!
At last, my children no longer had to feel ashamed of their bad mother, who only gave them dark chocolate in homeopathic doses, if at all. No, from now on it was celebrated with Lemon White Chocolate Tarte; grannies, aunts and other relatives could finally conjure chocolate bars from their handbags, easily bought at the health food store or at dm around the corner. Happy-beaming children’s eyes were certain for them!
Time to say thank you to iChoc. Not only for the pleasure that this brand has given me and my children. But also because, thanks to her, we no longer have to endure the pitying looks of milk chocolate eaters. Yes, ve-gan – a delicious milk chocolate is also possible without milk from the cow!
Incidentally, the many other manufacturers who are suddenly entering the market with vegan chocolates also bear witness to this. That’s nice, and my kids’ grandmas and aunts are happy to have even more choices for shopping and gift-giving. But my heart belongs to only one: iChoc forever!
"I love this chocolate! Creamy, sustainable and vegan - everything is just right with iChoc!"
Anne Menden
By the way, I am not alone with my great love. US megastar Billie Eilish always has iChoc on her tour bus – and sells the variety “Classic Style” meanwhile as special edition even in their online store. Like me, GZSZ actress Anne Menden has also been a fan from the very beginning – and now acts as the official brand ambassador.
She has turned down advertising partnerships with many other manufacturers, but with iChoc Anne couldn’t resist: “I love this chocolate! Creamy, sustainable and vegan – everything is just right with iChoc,” she enthuses. No wonder that iChoc is also the favorite of many food bloggers: the renowned book author Lea Green , for example, uses it to create the most delicious cakes, cookies and desserts at Pinterest and Instagram.
My own baking ambitions are exhausted with the mentioned White Lemon Tarte though. (Okay, before a thousand requests come here: the recipe is there here – thanks to the wonderful chef Surdham Göb!) But also my taste buds can look forward to fresh tickle: Just comes the new iChoc on the shelf – with two trendy varieties, which of course I had to try already (hashtag: #harteRecherche).
“White Barista Art” is a vegan white with espresso crisp and a hint of sea salt. And “Salty Pretzel” is the first “milk-like” organic chocolate with crunchy pretzel crunch. Both serve not only the trend towards vegan confectionery (plant-based product launches in this segment are, according to Innova Database by an average of 34 percent per year), but also to the combination of sweet and salty.
“Swavory” is the name of the hip food trend – composed of “sweet” and “savory” (spicy, savory) – that is becoming increasingly popular from starred cuisine to supermarket shelves. Slowly it spills over from the USA to us and deliberately breaks the known boundaries of classic tastes. Kind of goes well with iChoc!
In addition, the Lovebrand was given a makeover: even fairer thanks to certified Fairtrade cocoa and with climate-friendly regional beet sugar instead of cane sugar from Brazil. Valuable ingredients such as buckwheat and almond oil replace the rice drink previously used instead of milk in most varieties.
“The taste is now even closer to the milk chocolate original, because the sweetness is more subtle,” says Gerrit Wiezoreck, managing director of EcoFinia, the Bochum-based chocolate manufacturer that produces iChoc. Personally, the sweetness from the rice has never bothered me, but if the new iChoc convinces a few more milk chocolate eaters, it’s fine with me!
The cocoa comes from sustainable organic cooperatives in the Dominican Republic, with which EcoFinia has been working for decades. “With the Fairtrade seal, we are now also showing the outside world that we want to pay our partners fairly and improve their working and living conditions,” says Wiezoreck. “With our own cocoa project, we also support structurally weak growing regions.”
Even more eye-catching than the new seal is the new design of iChoc: The boxes made of FSC-certified cardboard now come in fresh colors with eye-catching prints. The ingredients are prominently displayed on it. “More and more people want to know what’s in food. And that’s exactly what we at iChoc can show with the very best conscience,” explains Gerrit Wiezoreck.
As usual with iChoc, the film is completely plastic-free: The wood fibers for the cellulose come from controlled sustainable forestry and can be disposed of on the local compost.
Not only for me and my family, but also worldwide iChoc is a game changer: As the first purely vegan organic chocolate line, the brand is now exported to over 40 countries and has over 200,000 followers on the social web.
“After the organic specialist trade and the drugstore chain dm, where iChoc has already been represented for years, we now want to bring iChoc to conventional trade in a big way,” says Managing Director Wiezoreck. iChoc on every corner? I’m all for it: Even shorter distances for me and my children’s aunts and grannies.
The new iChoc is available in 8 delicious varieties: Classic Style, Almond Orange, Choco Cookie, White Nougat Crisp, Super Nut, White Vanilla, White Barista Art, Salty Pretzel. You can buy them in organic shops and at the drugstore chain dm. 1 bar of 80 g costs € 2.29.
Naschkatzen and – hangover watch out: We raffle together with iChoc 3 chocolate packages worth € 50 each. Just stop by Instagram , comment on the reel with “I <3 iChoc!”, follow @thisisvegan.magazin and @ichoc_vegan_chocolate
Good luck!
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Danke. 💚🙏🏽
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