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More and more people in Germany are deciding to eat less meat or even to do without meat completely. Meat consumption in Germany fell to its lowest level in over 30 years. In this article, you’ll find out how much meat Germans still eat, what alternatives there are and the reasons for the decline in meat consumption.

Short Facts:

How much meat do Germans eat?

According to the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE), per capita consumption of meat products in Germany was 52 kilograms last year. Compared to the previous year, this is a decrease of over four kilograms. The lowest value since calculations began in 1989.

Decrease in meat consumption

The decline in meat consumption in Germany is most evident in pork. Here, each citizen ate an average of 29 kg last year. In 2020, the figure was still around 31 kg, and in 2012 it was just under 39 kg. Per capita consumption of beef also declined, by 900 grams to 8.7 kilos, and poultry by 400 grams to 12.7 kilos.

Reasons for the decline

The BLE cites rising trends toward a plant-based diet among the population as possible reasons for the decline in meat consumption. Many people make a conscious decision to eat less meat or no meat at all for ethical, environmental or health reasons. In addition, the range of alternatives to meat has also increased significantly in recent years.

Alternatives to meat

If you want to give up meat, you don’t have to give up taste. There are now numerous alternatives to meat, which are also becoming increasingly popular with meat eaters. For example, there are vegetarian and vegan schnitzels, vegan burgers or tofu. Many restaurants and supermarkets now also feature plant-based alternatives to meat on their menus or shelves.

Veganer Fleischeratz, vegane Burger, vegane Würste auf einem Tisch

The future is all about meat alternatives

The market for plant-based meat alternatives continues to grow strongly. According to a survey by the Good Food Institute Europe (GFI), sales of these products in Germany increased by 7%. This development amounts to 643 million euros. The number of products sold in this category increased by 41% between 2020 and 2022, while sales of packaged meat from livestock decreased by 13%. The future is becoming more and more plant-based.

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