Meat substitutes on trend: production rises by 6.5
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Whether soy burgers, tofu sausages or seitan schnitzel: The trend towards plant-based nutrition and meat substitutes continues to rise! A Study by the Federal Statistical Office According to , the production of meat alternatives in Germany in 2022 increased by 6.5 % compared to the previous year. Compared to 2019, production even increased by 72.7%. An absolute record! Although the value of the market for animal meat products is still higher than that of their plant-based alternatives, less and less meat is consumed in Germany, as reported by us recently.
A study by the Good Food Institute organization confirms the trend toward plant-based diets. Accordingly, not only alternatives to meat products are popular. Milk & substitute fish products are also highly popular. In 2022, sales of such products increased by 11% to EUR 1.91 billion. Within Europe, Germany is clearly ahead in terms of the plant-based food industry. sales in this country are almost twice as high as in second-placed Great Britain. The GFI study also shows that sales in 2022 have increased more in Germany than in any other Western European country.
This development is of great importance not only for animal welfare. The increasing production of substitute products has a positive impact on the environment! During the production of Meat alternatives emerge significantly less greenhouse gases than in meat production. In addition, water consumption is lower and less agricultural land is needed!
Another plus is the comparably stable prices of the plant-based alternatives. According to GFI, these are Less affected by inflation. The prices of meat and dairy products have however, due to inflation picked up sharply.
The numbers clearly show: vegan nutrition is becoming more and more popular! The large selection of alternatives to animal products and the increasing production make the step to vegan nutrition a lot easier! In our magazine you will find many recipe ideas around plant-based alternatives. Like for example the vegan kebab plate!
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